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Cost Estimation

Estimation is the compass that guides successful projects, a meticulous art of foreseeing outcomes before ground is broken. It’s the language of precision, translating visions into tangible plans. In the realm of construction and planning, estimation is the cornerstone of reliability, a careful calculation that fuels the confidence needed for project fruition. It’s not merely about numbers; it’s shaping the future with a blueprint of foresight. In the hands of experts, estimation is the key that unlocks the doors to seamless execution and project success.

core services

Construction Cost Estimating

We have the software and trained staff to do your cost takeoff estimating with greater speed and accuracy than any other construction estimating firm in construction sector. We can quantify the necessary materials required for completion of any project.
Our team gets into work with your construction cost estimation as soon as we receive your PDF, blueprint, or CAD drawing. Let our speed give you a competitive edge in your market, and it helps you speed up your work too. Take advantage of the best turnaround time in the industry.

Unity Estimating experts utilize Plan swift 9.0 for most projects. So, there is no project too big or too small or complex for us to complete. Our company can also provide you electrical estimation services when it is time for your company to estimate the cost of a construction design and figure the project’s budget. Contact us right away and to get the job done for you swiftly and precisely.
Our firm has licensed engineers, certified professional construction estimating consultants by the American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). Our staff’s previous experience is to work with general contractors, major mechanical and electrical subcontractors. We are experienced with numerous estimating programs like Plan Swift, Bluebeam, and more to meet the specific project needs.



Precision is paramount in estimation. An exceptional estimation company meticulously ensures accuracy in calculations, providing clients with reliable projections that form the foundation for successful project planning and execution.



A top-notch estimation company that values time as much as precision. With a commitment to prompt delivery, it empowers clients by providing timely estimates, allowing for efficient decision-making and project timelines that stay on track



In a dynamic landscape, adaptability is key. We demonstrate flexibility to accommodate evolving project requirements, seamlessly adjusting calculations and strategies to align with changing needs and industry dynamics.



MEP Estimating Services in USA We offer MEP estimating and construction takeoff services to contractors involved in MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, and PLUMBING. We have a separate department of expert MEP estimators. In MEP estimates, we cover everything, including HVAC, Sheet Metal, Ductwork, Process Piping, pipe insulation, instrumentation & Controls, etc. We use specialized software like Bluebeam, Plan Swift, Trimble for trade-specific cost estimates. Our qualitative and certified estimator accurately takeoff the quantities from the plans to consider essential standards and codes to meet the project requirements.


Projects Cost Estimating Process

We provide variety of estimating solutions

Builders, building estimating owners, and MEP contractors need cost estimation services for accurate and fast construction processes in USA. We are the construction cost experts based in NYC, as we use the latest software technology backed by years of experience. Please do not run the risk of costly errors in your construction task and projects, so Call us now!. Our Expert team will prepare an estimate based on your digital plans or prints and enter the information into an Excel spreadsheet for your convenience. Our construction estimating consultants are proficient and skilled in cost estimating of client or personal projects.

Let us take your material pricing, labor costs and create a complete estimate for your commercial construction cost estimator design budget or detailed commercial building cost estimator requirements. We aim to be your partner in performance, offering an array of solutions designed to help you win more bids and assist you in all your takeoff or estimating operations.

On time Delivery

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